Are Any Xbox 360 Games Worth Money
Given Microsoft's relatively short time in the games industry compared to the likes of Sony and Nintendo, and their abundance of printed disc-based games, people don't often tend to think of the Xbox 360 as a collector's console. At least, this is the case when compared to machines like the NES and Atari 2600.
Yet, thanks to some obscure releases, elaborate collector editions, and limited printings, this consoledoescome with some surprisingly rare and expensive titles. These can cost hundreds, or in a select few cases, eventhousandsof dollars. With this list, we'll sift through the vast, expansive library of Xbox 360 and pick out the 10 rarest of the rare, including limited edition bundles and localized releases.
Updated December 13th, 2020 by Thomas Bowen: Next year, the Xbox 360 will celebrate its 16th birthday. A lot's changed since 2005, but one thing that hasn't is the huge market for classic and collectible games. There are plenty of them out there and with each passing year, their value just keeps going up and up — so it felt appropriate to expand this list. Aspiring collectors have a hard time keeping track of what everything's worse and an even tougher time actually tracking these games down. (Prices for additional entries sourced from PriceCharting)
15 Dead Space Ultra Limited Edition ($965)
Limited to only one thousand copies, this collection is crammed full of Dead Space goodness that more than justified its original $100 price-tag. As well as a copy of the game, it includes an artbook, a graphic novel, and lithographs signed by the game's art director and executive producer.
Despite its obvious quality though, the game really struggled to make much of an impact when it first released. That said, it did eventually go on to sell more than a million copies and also spawned two sequels. This rise in popularity has led to the price of its limited edition soaring to the point where it's now one of the most collectible 360 games out there.
14 Dragon Age: Inquisition Inquisitor's Edition ($495)
The Dragon Age series was already incredibly popular by the time Dragon Age: Inquisition came out and so quite a few of these GameStop exclusive sets were sold. Due to the timing of the game's release, however, most of them were sold on the PS4 and Xbox One making the Xbox 360 version something of a rarity.
The set contains far too much to list here, but the highlights include a scale six piece Inquisitor lock tool set, a cloth map of Thedas, and four map markers. It was originally sold for $170, but an unopened copy can now go for more than three times that amount. Even used copies sell for $275, which isn't a bad return over just six years.
13 The Beatles: Rock Band Limited Edition ($313)
When it comes to rock bands, they don't come much bigger than The Beatles. It's perhaps for this reason that this limited edition version of Rock Band sells for as much as it does. The game features 45 Beatles songs with many more available as DLC. The real value here comes not from the game itself though, but instead the accessories that came along with it.
Rather than trinkets and statues, the set included three Beatles themed instrument controllers including a Höfner bass styled after the one sometimes used by Sir Paul McCartney. Due to the death of the rhythm game, however, many of these controllers ended up being thrown out which likely played a big part in the rise in their value.
12 Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning - Exclusive Signature Edition ($445)
Developed by a studio owned by a former MLB pitcher, written by a famous writer, and financed by an entire American state, to say that Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning has an interesting story behind it would be a bit of an understatement. Sadly though, despite a plethora of positive reviews, sales fell some way short of the amount needed for it to break even and, according to former governor Licoln Chafee, it ended up costing Rhode Island taxpayers millions.
On the subject of cost, the Exclusive Signature Edition of the game set players back a whopping $275, but there were plenty of goodies on offer for that price. Amongst other things, the set includes a signed troll statue, some limited edition artwork by Todd McFarlane, and a full set of themed tarot cards. There were only 300 produced across all platforms, making it incredibly rare.
11 Titanfall - Collector's Edition ($218)
Prior to its release, many were talking up Titanfall as being a potential CoD killer. Although it never really came close to dethroning its FPS rival, it did make quite the impression with both players and critics. Its success led to a direct sequel and, ultimately, the creation of Apex Legends.
With sales of more than ten million, it's perhaps a little surprising that a collector's edition would be so rare, but there's a pretty good reason for this. The game released towards the end of the 360's lifecycle meaning that many people ended up buying the Xbox One version instead. It might be hard to find, but with an original retail price of $250, it's actually worth less today than it was at the time of its release.
10 The Legend of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon ($50)
There are a number of reasons this relatively popular platformer manages to be so hard to obtain on the Xbox 360.
Aside from the fact this Playstation-based franchise never quite found an audience with the Xbox crowd, it was also the last title to be published by Sierra before going defunct in 2008. It's also the last mainlineSpyrogame to be produced - discounting theReignited Trilogyremakes a decade later. These factors made it an instant target for Xbox-brand collectors.
9 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold ($120)
While theMarvel Ultimate Alliancegames have, as a whole, proven to be popular hits, this particular DLC-included pack was short-lived, and thus, quite rare.
The DLC content found on this copy was soon discontinued separately on the XBL marketplace, making this the only way to obtain these extra characters in physical form. On top of this, A "Platinum Hits" rendition of the game was cranked out mere months after this edition, further rendering it into the realm of obscurity.
8 Tales Of Vesperia Special Edition ($70)
Much like with Spyro, this is the type of game that's simply more popular and abundant on Sony consoles.
Considering the console's lack of success in Japan and the Xbox market's lack of taste in JRPGs as a whole, it's easy to see why even the baseline version ofToVwould have a limited printing on the 360. But bump it up to theSpecial Edition, which includes a soundtrack CD? We're talking a pretty rare package of discs.
While it's a pretty slim bundle as far as limited editions go, it can fetch you a pretty penny of $60-$80, assuming it's in good condition.
7 BioShock Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition ($150)
As far as limited edition packages go, 2K Games really pulled out all the stops. This limited-runSongbird Editionincludes a 9.5 inch Songbird statue, a Murder of Crows bottle replica keychain, a lithograph, artwork, a soundtrack, and exclusive in-game goodies.
This bundle was already quite pricey as it was, but tack on several years of value for this 2013 release, and we're talking nearly $150 for a mint condition package in its original box.
6 Record Of Agarest War - The Really Naughty Limited Edition ($100)
All you pretty much have to do is take a look at this game's heavy Japanese themes and somewhat raunchy content to understand why this limited edition bundle was never printed en masse. Take the relatively limited appeal of a JRPG likeVesperiaand tack on tons of scantily-clad anime women, and you've got this obscure game. Add the fact that this bundle was only available for preorder, and you've got yourself a rare Xbox 360 artifact.
The limited edition doesn't just include a soundtrack, but also a rather "curvy" mousepad outlining a lead character's breasts, and a pillowcase prominently featuring another.
5 Fallout 3: Survival Edition ($300)
TheFalloutseries is one that's been quite popular on Xbox consoles since Bethesda transformed the strategy franchise into a WRPG epic. Yet, this exclusiveSurvival Editionmakes for a pretty rare and expensive find - largely because of the sheer detail and quantity of the collectibles included. You've also got the more recent hyped release ofFallout 4further adding to the obscurity of this package.
You get a life-size replica of the famed Pip-Boy 3000, in addition to all the bells and whistles featured in theCollector's Edition. This includes a making-of DVD, Vault-Tec lunch box, in-game content, and artwork.
4 DragonBall Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Collector's Edition ($320)
This "collector's edition" of the popular anime,DragonBall Z, is definitely appropriately titled, given its extreme scarcity. This item was limited to the PAL market, and was, in fact, exclusive to the Australian market, until being quietly released through the retailer Zavvi in the UK.
It is said that only about 10,000 copies of this bundle, which includes a neat action figure of Super Saiyan Gohan, were ever produced. Even the PS3 version can bring in over $200, but the evenrarer360 rendition can fetch well over $300.
Taking its place as one of the few standalone titles on our list is NCAA Football 14.
When it comes to football games, there is no shortage of choices to be had, at least when it comes to NFL-brand titles. However, if we're talkingcollegefootball circa 2013? That's a far different story. As a result of issues in licensing and the fact that these college players were basically seeing no returns from their likeness being used, this was the verylastgame produced under theNCAAname. This exclusivity and significance led to its appealing nature for collectors.
2 El Chavo ($80)
Those in Spain and Latin Ameria may have heard of a cartoon there known asEl Chavo. And yet, this charming little kart racer in the vein ofMario Kart is barely even known in the West.
This is basically because the game was virtually never produced in the US or European markets. With roughly 5,000 copies of this obscure racer said to be in circulation in the West, this is one of the rarest games you'll find, at least if you don't reside in Hispanic regions.
1 NBA Elite 11 ($30,000)
To any Nintendo collectors out there - you might consider this the "Stadium Events" equivalent of the Xbox 360. Much like that highly rare title, this coveted gaming artifact isimmenselyscarce because of a very very short printing which was swiftly cut off by EA Sports.
The game was essentially deemed unfit for an official release following the discovery of a number of bugs, including one where Chicago Bulls' Luol Deng almost never missed from the left baseline. Thus, the game was quickly snatched from store shelves, and, for all intents and purposes, canceled - yet a few survivorsdoremain.
Those tiny few who are lucky enough to spot one of these endangered gaming species out in the wild can fetch close to$30,000!
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About The Author
Stephen Lagioia (264 Articles Published)
Stephen is an avid Nintendo, Indie, and retro gamer who dabbles in Xbox on occasion, mainly in the form of binge sessions of Overwatch. He's a history buff, an aspiring writer of short fiction, and a devout metalhead who enjoys poorly drumming along to Black Sabbath on his cheap drum set. When his beloved Chicago Cubs or Bulls are not playing, he typically likes to watch random documentaries or campy horror films.
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Are Any Xbox 360 Games Worth Money
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